The crib, complete with home-made balloon mobile.
The peanut herself! This photo was taken when she was very new - I know this because she can bust out of blanket swaddles in three seconds flat now.
Gladys, holding down the fort.
The next quest is baby-related so if you don't care about babies, you can tune out for awhile. We decided to use cloth diapers to save some money and some landfill space but, like so many, were nervous to make an investment into a stash of diapers only to find out that they didn't fit right or were hard to wash or something. There is plenty of information online about cloth diapers but everyone is so devoted to their particular brand for their particular reasons that it's tough to translate the advice. We had some regular old prefolds and covers for the newborn stage but the peanut is growing like a weed and doesn't fit into her newborn diapers anymore.
Enter a local business, the Diaper Lab, which runs an awesome "Experiment to Own" program. For $35, you get 8 brand new diapers, a diaper pail liner, and several samples of cloth-diaper-friendly detergent to try out for two weeks. At the end of the two weeks you return the diapers you don't want (which they clean/sanitize and sell at a discount) and keep what you do want. (More information on the program here.)
So get ready. This quest will be useful for those of you considering cloth diapers and for those of you who want to see some funny photos of our baby in her diaper. She'll be embarrassed about this in middle school, but it's all in the name of questing!!
((Important note: If you know us, you know the peanut's name. Though we will be showing you photos of her in her diaper, we will not be sharing her name on this blog. Call us crazy. That said, if you comment (please comment!!) please don't use her name. Thank you!))