Two Fridays ago, Melanie and I set out to Faneuil Hall for what was going to be one of our most epic quests ever. Our plan involved not one, not two, but three cookie shops in one outing. There were two reasons why we were feeling so ambitious. First, Faneuil Hall is far away from where we live, so it just seemed the most convenient to do all the cookie shops there in one outing. Second, we did double-features for cupcakes, and we are always looking to one-up ourselves, so doing three in one evening seemed like the next logical thing to do.

Upon getting to Faneuil Hall, we first bought a cookie from Kilvert and Forbes. Melanie will write a full post about that extremely delicious cookie shortly. We then set out for the Boston Chipyard. Tucked away in the back of Faneuil Hall is this cookie shop. After trying to purchase 3 chocolate chip cookies (we were being thoughtful and buying one for Mel's husband), we learned that you can only buy them by the half dozen or dozen. So we got 3 chocolate chip cookies, 1 oatmeal chocolate chip, 1 peanut butter chocolate chip, and 1 double chocolate cookie.

We then set out for the third cookie shop, only to find that it was closed. With our three-cookies-in-one-night plan foiled, we set out back into the cold to Mel's apartment where we ate dinner and then began enjoying our cookies.
Quite simply, the Boston Chipyard is selling something that you don't have to buy. The bite-sized cookies had a crunchy texture and just weren't that delicious. After taking one bite, I said "this tastes like something that came out of my oven, and that I overcooked." Now, I'm not a terrible cook, but I'm not trying to make my living selling cookies. If law school doesn't work out, I guess I could consider this career change....But right now, that is neither here nor there. I don't want to spend money on something I could make. As Mel and I discussed these mediocre cookies, Mel yelled "there's only one chip!!" I looked at her, and she held the evidence in her hand. There was only a single chocolate chip in Mel's cookie. That is completely unacceptable. A good chocolate chip cookie has the correct ratio or cookie to chocolate, and a single chocolate chip is just insufficient.

If you're in Faneuil Hall and craving some sweets, you can skip the Boston Chipyard. It's not worth the caloric intake. Instead, walk over to Kilvert and Forbes and buy a much larger, more delicious, and more unhealthy cookie there that is worth all the calories.
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