Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Polls are Closed

Despite the fact that the polls say they are open for another 80 days, they are now closed. Why? Because Melanie and I said so. We are the questing czarinas, so we do what we want. Plus, we don't really anticipate getting many more votes. I guess only 20 or so people read this thing. But that is neither here nor there because the important thing is that chocolate chip cookies won. This will be a delicious quest, and Melanie and I are equal to the challenge. Thank you for your participation. Also, we are thankful that chowder did not win. How could we possibly make an entire blog about fish soup? Our comments would be limited to the following: too fishy, not enough fishy-ness. That would have been a boring blog. We are confident, however, that we will have lots of say about cookies.

Below are the possible locations for our chocolate chip cookie quest. The list is subject to change and will likely be trimmed down to 8 locations. Any suggestions for the final list would be appreciated.

Clear Flour Bread


Boston Chipyard

Kilvert and Forbes

Rosie's Bakery


True Grounds

Hi-Rise Bakery

Parziale's Bakery Inc.

Sweet Tooth Boston

Burdick Chocolates

Even though our next quest is taking shape, we still have a few more gelato shops to sample and we are headed to Belmont on Friday to try Angelato. We are confident that we will accomplish our goal of completing the gelato quest before the first snow, which is important because even though we support gelato-induced brain freezes, we dislike eating gelato when the temperature is actually below freezing.

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